January 25, 2016

Book: Adios, America!

I appreciate this book that bring up important arguments over immigration issues.

The very first good point is American are willing to do all manner of jobs, but they just won't do it for $7/hour. (how do you buy a house and feed your kids if your annual salary is $14,560 before tax?) I have heard a lot of people saying we need these immigrants to work as janitors and low-level positions. But why can't we use Americans if those big companies pay them a reasonable wage? It can also save government's budget on the assistance programs for these people.
The problem of welfare assistance is not only about the immigration but THE POOR. We know the majority of illegals are poor, but there are also many white people in the welfare assistance thanks for stagged minimum wage. Government work with big companies to make this perfect plan: the middle class works hard to pay for the rich and the poor.

Next, we need GOOD/ELITE immigrants, period. 
This is a tricky part in the book since Coulter hates all the immigrants categories, including the white collar level working for Microsoft and Facebook. All of the immigration categories under her pen is just a scam for big companies to tighten their cost. But this problem is also related to the issue of economy and inequality. I agree with it partially since I do see people who stay in U.S. with unreasonable wage because company want to save money on salary. The company cannot do that to Americans, but they can do it to foreigners because these foreigners want U.S. working experiences and they will do whatever to take. Furthermore, some immigrants don't respect local culture. Five Indians could squeeze into one bedroom to save the rent in Bay area without paying fair facilities fee. People want to move into rich countries, such as U.S. to explore opportunities. It doesn't mean we need to stop these people, but we need to make the regulations and system fairly to everyone including the Americans and foreigners. 

Immigration is a tough issue. Both democrats and republicans suck on immigration policies because they have their plan to suffer the middle class and advance their benefit from bringing the illegals and creating the poor. People need to become aware of this issue. Everyone can have his/her opinion, but we need to know the fight is not about race but fairness.

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