September 15, 2016

Climbing and self-worthiness

People like to lie to themselves, so are rock climbers. It gives you a sense of self-worthiness. Climbers like to brag about overcoming the fear of falling, or overcoming fear and eventually quit their jobs and move into a van. Yes, you did overcome something. But the society as a whole doesn’t really benefit from that. Moreover, can you transfer what you learn about overcome fear to other aspect of life? Personally I feel that what you learn in climbing is not “particularly” transferable to other aspect of life. Otherwise all the high paying jobs that require overcoming fear would be filled with climbers, which doesn't seem to be the case.

Climbing is fun and by all means, enjoy it. But it’s time to wake up and realize that it is just self pursue and stop making a big deal out of it.

Little Flower

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